Bitter Sweet B.S.

by Niki & Ry


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April 10, 2011 - Shaking off the dust

Greetings readers! For those of you who curiously pop your head in once in a while (or those just joining us), please let it be known that we will be wrapping up this storyline within the coming weeks. We're very sorry that we've let BSBS lay fallow for so very long, but as is usually the case life interferred with our plans in numerous ways. This will be the end of the line for our current cast of characters; it has been an interesting learning experience for us in terms of comic development and we hope that you've mostly enjoyed the spectacle that we have thrust out into the ether.

As always, thank you very much for your readership and please check back from time-to-time as we will announce our new, yet to be named comic project later this year.


Niki & Ry

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Bitter Sweet B.S.: COPYRIGHT © 2004-2011 Niki/Ry